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BD VI   |   Def VI   |   Coord VI   |   Light VI   |   Fire VI
Def VI
Grevios Vault
LvL 10-30                 25.8 S, 27.3 E

This one should be done befor lvl 31 witch is easy to solo at high 20's.  This is found close to Uziz.  As you make your way to the bottom of this dungen you will need to make a few jumps with no way back up but the Suface portals you come across threwout the dungen.  The Ruby is found on the Greater Mu'miyah at the vary bottom locked behind a door.  there is a switch you can threw to open this door, it is found at one of the jumping areas.  Personaly i did not open the door, missed the lever but I was able to kill the Mu'miyah threw the door and pick the Ruby up threw the door.  That was a long time ago so *shrug*
You will find many Skelletons / Warriors, Banderling / Guards / Cheifs, Lesser Mu'miyahs
Threwout this dungen, many Acid Traps at the bottom floor, bring protects

Atlan Weapons   |   SoCS   |   Dagger of Tikola   |   Gold and Red Letters   |   Comp-Bow